A songbook of rare feelings is a program of new poetry and compositions written especially for VONK. Music and literature merge, associations with different genres can coexist freely. In the first edition, eight moods have been given a life of their own. A wondrous collection, created with lyricists Lucky Fonz III, Hanneke Last, Kayo Chingonyi and Nancy Campbell. They wrote new lyrics with a wealth of images and reflections, always from the same starting point: a rare feeling. Composers Kate Moore, Morris Kliphuis, Nicoline Soeter and Remy Alexander absorbed the poetic lyrics and translated them into music completely freely. Transparently lyrical, expressive, rhythmically challenging, and with ever new sound combinations of vocals, saxophones, clarinets and percussion. In January 2023, the album A songbook of rare feelings was released by SONNA Records. The album received four stars in the Volkskrant, has been heard extensively on various Radio 4 programs and on television on NTR's Podium Klassiek.
In January 2023, the album A songbook of rare feelings was released by SONNA Records. The album received four stars in the Volkskrant, has been heard extensively on various Radio 4 programs and on television on NTR's Podium Klassiek.
Volkskrant **** 6.01.2023: “
De parel van dit album is I disappear. De componist Kate Moore schreef het lied op een gedicht van singer-songwriter Lucky Fonz III. Rianne Wilbers begint solo, maar vanaf het tweede couplet zweven rond haar stem mysterieuze blazerstonen. Hoe die uiteindelijk in de geest van de tekst uitdoven: subliem.”
NRC, 30.08.2021: “Hoogtepunt was de ‘bonustrack’ Speech is mine van Morris Kliphuis, waarin een virtuoos zangmotief live gemonteerd werd, alsof het een sample was. Ook de geweldige instrumentalisten van Vonk ondergingen zo’n behandeling, wat resulteerde in een originele en gelaagde groove.”
A songbook of rare feelings is ondersteund door het Fonds Podiumkunsten, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Noord-Brabant, de Provincie Noord-Brabant en de Gemeente Tilburg.