GROND Music Theatre

Ensemble VONK and Steve Aernouts play GROND, a coproduction by VONK, Tilt, Het Zuidelijk Toneel & Podium Bloos.

Five musicians and an actor move into this multitude of layers of meaning. Ground as matter, concrete and mundane, as core and motive, but also the ground in which a parallel world resides.

What does a birthplace mean, the soil in which time is stored? Writer A.H.J. Dautzenberg grew up in a working-class neighborhood in the South Limburg village of Schaesberg. A stone’s throw from his parental home was the coal mine Oranje Nassau 2. Under the landscape on which he lived and played as a child, there existed an invisible world, appealing to the imagination.

Nicoline Soeter – compositie en artistieke leiding VONK
A.H.J. Dautzenberg – tekst theatermonoloog
Steve Aernouts – acteur
Rianne Wilbers – sopraan
Tom Sanderman – saxofoons
Erwin Muller – klarinetten
Reggy van Bakel – slagwerk
Pete Harden – elektrisch gitaar
Joep van der Geest – regie advies
Nico Kraeima – licht ontwerp
Tom Korblet – techniek